Document 0671 DOCN M9460671 TI Design and use of signature primers to detect carry-over of amplified material. DT 9408 AU Abbott LZ; Spicer T; Bryz-Gornia V; Kwok S; Sninsky J; Poiesz B; Department of Medicine, SUNY Health Science Center, Syracuse; 13210. SO J Virol Methods. 1994 Jan;46(1):51-9. Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE MED/94230651 AB Signature primer pairs designed for use with the polymerase chain reaction have been developed which can determine if a positive result originated from the intended target nucleic acid or from so-called carry-over contamination of previously amplified DNA. The 3' ends of each signature primer, SK339/341, SSK110/111, and SSK58/59 contain a viral specific sequence complementary to regions of either HIV-1, HTLV-I and II respectively. The 5' ends of each primer contain a non-human, non-viral (NHNV) signature sequence including restriction endonuclease sites for subsequent cloning. A fourth set of primers, SK338/340, consist solely of these NHNV sequences and are designed to anneal to any product previously amplified by the viral-specific signature primers. These primers were tested against their corresponding positive and negative DNA targets, to determine their specificity and sensitivity. As expected, the viral-specific signature primers detected the retroviral infected samples while no detectable amplification occurred in negative DNA controls. Primers SK338/340 did not amplify any viral positive or negative template DNA's. Samples spiked with amplified material generated from the viral-specific signature primers could be specifically amplified by the NHNV primers SK338/340. Primers SK338/340 were determined to be more sensitive than the viral-specific signature primers, ensuring the detection of extremely low amounts of carryover. This strategy may be useful in developing other retroviral or non-retroviral primers with a built-in signature sequence that can differentiate false positives from true positives in a subsequent confirmatory test. DE *Artifacts Base Sequence Cell Line Comparative Study *DNA Primers DNA, Viral/*ISOLATION & PURIF Equipment Contamination False Positive Reactions HIV-1/GENETICS/*ISOLATION & PURIF HTLV-I/GENETICS/*ISOLATION & PURIF HTLV-II/GENETICS/*ISOLATION & PURIF Molecular Sequence Data Polymerase Chain Reaction/*METHODS Proviruses/GENETICS/*ISOLATION & PURIF Sensitivity and Specificity Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S. JOURNAL ARTICLE SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).